Monday, January 31, 2011

29 things to do this year

1. Not bunk a single yoga class
2. Make the California trip
3. Birthday in Paris
4. Sleep at a reasonable hour or sleep at a reasonable hour at least couple of times a week or sleep
5. Write everyday
6. Finish at least five books on the must read list
7. Buy the iPad
8. Get better at staying in touch with people
9. Get reacquainted with Shakespeare
10. Something about music-download, listen, sing...whatever...more often
11. Get good gifts for people
12. Get a grip on the whole retail therapy thing
13. Go to the movies as often as possible
14. No crazy diets
15. Get rid of all the junk...clean, minimise, de-clutter
16. Pursue something actively
17. Get the second tattoo already
18. Finish the novel
19. Contribute to any small way, as often as possible
20. More books, less TV
21. Say YES (within limits)
22. Travel, travel, travel
23. Cook, bake, or throw something together at least a few times a year
24. Save
25. Learn something new everyday
26. Be committed to deadlines and goals
27. Meet up with friends as often as possible
28. Avoid people who talk too much or complain too much
29. Quit complaining too much